Scientist New Zealand: Found 1 freelancer available
Contractors in the category "Scientist" conduct scientific research to advance knowledge in an area of interest, like physics, mathematics or sociology. Many of our scientists have advanced degrees in science and pursue careers in academy, industry and government. Scientists have a desire to understand why the world is as we see it and how it came to be. They exhibit a strong curiosity about the world.
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Main focus: Analysis of data as well as other information. Developing technical reports, developing presentations, mentoring, project manager, research. Specialist areas: Aquaculture, food safety and health. Technical leader, advisor-research grants and funds.
Professional background: University of Otago. Massey University. Strategy consultant, Food Standards Australia and New Zealand. Senior Lecturer (Environmental Health), Massey University. Research and Development Manager at Hawksbay Aquaculture. Project Manager at Standards New Zealand. Self-employed since 2014.
Professional background: University of Otago. Massey University. Strategy consultant, Food Standards Australia and New Zealand. Senior Lecturer (Environmental Health), Massey University. Research and Development Manager at Hawksbay Aquaculture. Project Manager at Standards New Zealand. Self-employed since 2014.
General qualifications: Project management ++, Teaching and tutoring ++, Regulatory sector ++ Languages: Sinhala +++